Direct air method
Using AIR to restore is not a new concept, Direct Air has been used by DTR owners since 2012
AIR parts

- 24 inch silicone tube with insert
- 6 inch piece of flex-film
- 2 binder clips (Tube clamp)
- 34 inch elastic bandage wrap
- 1, 8 inch Velcro strap
- 1 Bell Skin

Although many men can use just one solid gripper with direct air. Two solid grippers or a bell skin with a solid gripper will provides less chance for air leakage

I just insert the 1/4 inch wide silicone tube into the bottom of the DTR bell or Retainer leaving the flared insert end last. After sliding the tube into the bell the end with the plastic insert fits snug into the hole that runs through the center. This creates a seal against air leakage with the tube.

Silicone or a latex tube can be used. The size tube is 1/4 OD x 1/8 ID
The insert is a piece of 0.110″ ID x 3/16″ OD x 0.039″ Nylon Tubing that is pushed into the tube.

I pull the tube until the end is close to flush with the inside of the DTR bell or Retainer.
To remove the tube completely, just continue to pull on the tube until it slides completely out of the top of the device.

I have tried many ideas to keep air from entering the urethra if to much air is used. The best method to prevent this is the use Transparent Waterproof Dressing or waterproof bandages. Do not you use regular or breathable medical tape .This is a very important thing to do and must be done. I have been told that if to much air enters the urethra it could cause possible medical problems.

Smith and Nephew Opsite Flexifix Transparent Tape shown above is sold by the roll. 11 yards by 2 inches for under $20 online. This would last someone a very long time since you only need a small amount for each use. This is much cheaper than bandages.

These are some examples of the bandages I have used. I just cut the adhesive strip part of the bandage and use it to cover the urethra opening. These work extremely well since they are water proof and stay on much better then medical tape. It feels like an extra layer of skin more then anything. As much as they stick they are not hard to remove.

I can get two pieces of tape out of each bandage. This ends up working perfectly since I take the DTR off after two hours of use for a pee break. Then apply it again for two hours. So my total restoring time is four hours a day.

This provides a great way to seal the urethra and prevent air from possibly leaking by.
This was my only concern when using air. So rather then take any chances I always cover my urethra so no air will leak in

The pictures bellow will show the older Latex tube that was used in the past. This tube has been replaced with higher quality a silicone tube

Next I wrap my shaft with the elastic bandage. I have found the elastic bandage to work better then the previous Velcro wrap I used to use . The elastic bandage provides inward pressure. The wrap is needed to keep the skin from expanding like a balloon. Also by wrapping the bell it keeps the gripper from leaking air by lifting off the skin.

I normally start at the top over the gripper and work my way down to wrap three quarters of the shaft leaving the bottom of the shaft exposed.

When it is all wrapped I used a Velcro strap to keep the wrap from unraveling.

I used this method so many years ago I used a latex tube back then.
I take the end of tube and blow into it as if I was blowing a balloon. This is much safer then using a pump since I can not force to much air inside my foreskin.

After I blow enough air into the DTR I just fold the tube over and use a office clip to keep the air from leaking.

What happens inside the foreskin when using air can be seen in this illustration.
Air is not allowed to expand like a balloon with the use of a wide collar wrap I use.
This gives the air only two places to expand out at the ends.
It pulls the bell away from the body and also expands the skin away from the glans edge. Using an air balloon instead will not produce this same effect since the balloon would not be able to lift the skin from the bottom of the glans like this method does. This has been the only way I can achieve stress on this area of skin so far.

What I try to achieve is this this bump of air just under the wrap. It lets me know that I am using just enough air pressure. I can push on the bump and it feels like a balloon. It is not very hard but firm.

Having this easy to reach release system has made this method much safer since I can release the air within seconds if I need to.
After it is all set I just wear it like I normally would wear my DTR, the long tube allows me to let the end come up and hang out of what ever I am wearing. This allows me to instantly release air pressure in the event that I need to.

A quick tip on preventing air leakage. Attaching a here scrunchy at the top of the gripper will keep the gripper from lifting up. This tip was sent to me by someone who had a air leakage problem when using direct air. I personally have never needed to use this tip but I know others that have and it does work. This may be because of the amount of skin someone has to work with. When it comes to restoring the more skin you have to work with the easier things become.

This direct air method really puts a lot of stress on the skin just under the glans. 2 to 4 hours a day when using this method is enough to stress the skin after that I may switch to a less aggressive method for a few more hours that day.

Using a pump bulb is something I tired and did not like. I found it unnecessary and overkill.

My thoughts on using air from your lungs vs an air bulb.
Some people believe germs from your lungs/mouth could get on your penis and do harm.
I wonder if these same people would refuse oral sex using the same argument… I highly doubt it.
Direct Air can be a Beast for stressing inner skin. In fact when done correctly it can be one of the most effective methods I have found for stressing inner skin. The biggest draw back is it is cumbersome and potentially dangerous since it is possible to get air into your bladder if you are not blocking off your urethra or any other hole entrance you have such as a PA piercing.
I have used Direct air for many hours and never had any real issues, when air did get into my urethra it felt very strange and uncomfortable. This is why its a good idea to have a way to quickly release the air pressure.