The piercing problems I had when restoring
These are the piercing problems I had years later after I did them.

I called this one ” The door knocker” This jewelry was used temporarily for fun and some pictures. Normally I would just have a ring threw the piercing.
Although it was fun back in my 20’s, I do regret the damage the frenulum piercing caused.
A surface piercing is known to migrate so It should not be that much of a surprise when this happened, what surprised me is it happened after I stopped restoring and have been going threw a phase where my skin keeps getting softer on the inner foreskin.

Two more pictures to show the PA and the frenulum piercing. The first picture you can see I did not have a PA piercing yet.
Now normally I would not use jewelry like this all the time. Most times I wore was just CBR’s

The picture was taken outdoors in direct sunlight and that tends to make my penis and glans more red looking then normal.

This is a picture of the left side of my penis shaft. Where I did my foreskin piercings.
Notice there are two next to each other. The bottom one was my first attempt at the piercing.
I had it in for a few weeks and took it out because it was too small. You need a long point to point area of skin when pierced due to shrinkage of skin tissue when it heals.
As you can see these healed very well after the issue I had in 2016 with these foreskin piercings.
Now for some reason the other side of my penis shaft had an issue with the first attempted foreskin piercing I did. It just started to hurt anytime I would use manual stretching and it started to shrink and migrate.

This is the side I had a problem with. The top white line shows my foreskin piercing. The bottom white line shows where my original foreskin piercing was.
I had to cut the skin bridge of the original piercing because it migrated so much on this side that the piercing was just a small thick skin bridge that hurt just from touching it.
I used a sterile razor and sliced the skin. Almost no blood at all. The skin was just thick. This was taken a few days later as it healed.

This was taken today.. DEC 2017 This is how the old pierced skin looks. Much better and still healing nicely. The bottom pierced skin is dissipating like it never was there.
My point in showing you this is so you can see what a migration looks like. It’s your skins way of removing something so to speak.
(Remember, I am not in the medical profession so do not listen to a word I say.)
Body piercings work by growing skin/scar tissue around the jewelry as it heals. It’s a way of keeping the foreign object outside the body. Other wise you would bleed out every time you removed your jewelry.
As my frenulum piercing started to migrate the skin became less pliable and would no longer stretch like it used to
So now when having sex it would sometimes cause bruising in this area. This would take awhile to heal.., this continued for years until I had to cut off what was left of my frenulum.
What I did wrong was continue to injure this area of skin over and over making the problem worse. I found out ways to protect the frenulum after an injury but by the time I tried to use them it was to late. I had scar tissue from all the multiple little injuries I was having during sex.

This is my frenulum a week or two before I cut it. I really wish I took a picture of this the day I cut it because it was not pretty. The frenulum skin was hard and thin and had a tear on one side. The scar tissue from this piercing felt like a callus.
So, I cut what was left of my frenulum and and it bled for about 8 hours.. not gushing but it would just bleed without pressure on it. A simple bandage took care of that.

This is a day or two later after it was cut.
Now it looks bruised due to a skin pull I just got a few days before I decided to cut what was left of the frenulum.

I used Manuka honey to speed up recovery.
Manuka Honey New Zealand – Certified UMF 15+ (MGO 512+) 100% Pure
This is about four weeks later. The frenulum nubs were starting to flatten out and there was no more pain in that area when retracting the foreskin.

This is about 8 weeks later and you can see that its healing very well. Yes folks these things take a long time to heal.
Another product called Aquaphor ointment is good to use on small skin injuries also. Reminds me of Vaseline but not as greasy.

This is an updated picture of how it looks in March 2018. Sorry flash lighting after using the Aquaphor makes my penis look like a corpse.
I should mention my skin also at this point was more than likely being affected by a BXO issue I had not been aware of. I feel that it may have started sometime in 2017 ? My skin just started looking odd for no reason I could think of at the time.
My BXO was caused by prolonged urine contact and since I stopped all restoring my skin was always over my glans 24/7. That old PA piecing that would leak a tiny bit of urine..and thats all it took over time.

Unfortunately removing what was left of my frenulum also had consequences.
Without this connective tissue I am prone to small bruising injuries if I pull the skin down with any force.

Fast forwards to 2023 and this is how the skin looks today. Considering all the stupid things I have done to my penis over the years I am surprised my skin look this good.

If you need to remove your frenulum have a Doctor do it. I know if I had not pieced the frenulum in the first place none of this would have happened.
Doing stuff like you see in this picture may have consequences later on.
I post these pages so you can learn from my mistakes.
I would rather embarrass myself posting the stupid things I have done so you can at least have information to help you avoid them.