Using weight with foreskin restoring
The weight method can be done with a DTR bell or for many men the Retainer can be used.

First I will show you how I used washers with my retainer and nylon screws

Any washer can be used but I find stainless steel to work great since there is no chance of rust and are just cleaner to work with.

Medical tape is a good way to keep your stacks of washers from turning you into a human slot machine if the wingnut came loose allowing the washers to fall to the floor.

I just made stacks of different weight so I could easily change the weight I was using.

Next I will use a magnet attached to a retainer so I can quickly attach and remove weight

I found I could use the DTR bell or the Retainer when using the magnet connectors. I preferred the Retainer since it was a little more compact
Just type “Neodymium Round base magnet” in any search engine and you will find them. The price is about $3 to $6 depending on where you order from.

The Mag connector pack comes with a mix of screws and posts to fit the DTR or Retainers
The screw post is made from aluminum and are 1/2 inch and 1 inch long. The screws are stainless steel and are thread size #8-32. The length or the screws are 3/4 , 1 inch and 1 1/14 inch long. These can be mixed and matched to fit the DTR or Retainers.

These magnets come in many sizes. As long as the magnet is at least ( 7 mm ) thick it will work with the magnet connector screws. The diameter can be smaller.
I used the Neodymium Round Base Cup Magnets 70 lbs Pulling Force 1.26″(32mm)

Now I will just put my finger against the post so that I can start the screw with my fingers on the other side. Then use a screw driver to tighten things up.
Now the screw driver tip will want to stick to the magnet so this is the only tricky part. It really is very easy to do this since your just screwing a screw into a post.
Thread lock can be used to decrease the chance of the screw loosening.

Now when its done it should look like this. Please keep in mind these magnets are very strong. Try to avid attaching them to any flat metal surface because they are extremely hard to pull off.
I have used the Magnet set-up for many weeks with out any issues. I also had a phone in my pocket and it did not interfere with it at all but just take precaution as you would with any strong magnet next to an electronic devices.

I use a steel bolt to keep the washer in a convenient stack ( no tape on washers for photo)

What is nice about using a bolt is the head of the bolt does not create a large surface contact area against the magnet. The magnet I am using can hold 70lbs and when its stuck to a flat metal surface it is very hard to remove. When using a steel bolt it is easy to remove.

Steel ball bearings can be used as weight. This does provide a more compact weight. This 2 inch ball provides over 19 oz of weight.
So where did I get these…. not Amazon !

If you experience a suction on your glans when the device is pulled you may want to drill a relief hole. This allows air to enter. Do not do this if you plan on using Direct AIR in the future

I just angle a small drill bit ( 1/16 ) on an angle.

Try to make sure you line up the hole so that the mag connector does not cover it.
Relief holes are not normally needed but in case you are experiencing suction when using a mag connector this relief hole will fix that issue.
I was surprised at how much I liked the way weight felt. It really does feel different than tugging. The use of a magnet in my opinion is the best way to use weight. Simply because you can remove the weight instantly.