Spacers for Retainers

Spacers can also be used to add length to the retainer.

DTR retainer spacers

Another option for the retainer is spacers.

These are used to extend the length of any Retainer with the 1/4 inch center hole or 1/4 threaded center. Not for use with solid Retainers.

The spacers are made from the same machined nylon as the Retainer and come in sizes from 20, 25 and 30 mm lengths

DTR notched spacer
retainer with notched spacer
Retainer bottom

The bottom of are concave with rounded edges like the Retainer for better comfort.

Retainer bolt
Retainer with bolt
retainer long bolt
retainer bolted

I only used spacers for a short time just to test out the concept since I was restored by the time I made them available. It is a way to increase the length of the Retainer without having to purchase a longer Retainer.