Various pictures of my restored foreskin
This is a group of various pictures my restored foreskin over the years. Most of these are before 2017. I will be adding more pictures

Overhang is the next step after flaccid coverage. This allows the skin to tighten up when its past the glans.

This picture was taken after my foreskin piercing was totally healed. Knowing what I know today 2016 I would have never done a foreskin piercing due to the problems it gave me for years as I continued my restoring project.

Pulling the skin well past the glans with a full erection. Again something I wasn’t sure I would be able to achieve when I started.

I post these pictures for people to see what a restored foreskin can look like. I find it interesting to see what the skin looks like as the years pass.

Some men restore faster then others. Since 2005 I have learned that not everyone will restore at the same pace.
There has been a small percent of men that despite what they do to restore seem to have a very slow progress rate. I think that what a person has to start with plays a much larger roll then what I previously thought. Without a control study it will be difficult to refine these factors to fully understand why some men grow skin faster then others.