2021 foreskin restoring update part-2
This is how my skin looked in June 2021. I am also going to share my own personal opinion on getting the skin to stay forwards when your getting roll back after you have grown enough skin to cover your glans.

To get the end of the foreskin to look like this all the time takes years of restoring and retaining

Pucker is the term I use to describe the end of the foreskin when its all puckered up.
The pucker action started to happen more and more as I continued to grow skin. The key is having enough skin to cover your glans technically . Don’t get discouraged if this is not happening to you all the time. Even if you have the skin to cover your glans I feel you need to train the skin forwards by retaining it forwards.

Use whatever you feel comfortable to achieve this. Some guys like using something that can give the skin a little stretch. Others prefer an O-ring, or tape, What ever it takes to keep the skin forwards. You might be able to do it with a snug fitting undergarment.
Sleeping and retaining is something you need a good amount of skin to do. I have done it with an O-ring for years. This does not mean you should do this. I am just telling you what I personally have done without a problem. I also had enough skin to handle nocturnal erections.

I used an O-ring mostly. It took awhile before It would always stay on all night. Again use your own judgement
Eventually I feel you will no longer need anything to retain your skin forwards and the skin will just stay this way. I will get days when I only get 90% coverage when its hot and my junk is flopping about.
Only time I have exposed glans is if I intentionally retract the skin and leave it that way. eventually it ends up covering my glans especially if I sat down.

In warmer temps the end of my foreskin will get loose as seen here. Some times a bit looser when its very hot.

The end of my foreskin naturally swirls in one direction when the skin covers the glans.
When I pull the skin back you can see this better

The skin does not hang off the glans like a tube sock. The end of the foreskin tightens in a swirl…Reminds me of Jiffy popcorn packaging.

I believe the reason why my skin stays over my glans and does what it does is because I trained my skin to stay forwards for years even when I was not actively restoring I was still retaining.
- Grow enough skin so that it can stays over the glans temporary without it rolling back instantly
- Use methods that focus more on outer skin development
- Retain the skin forwards when not restoring.
- Use manual stretching exercises that have zero outward expansion example: Finger pull

The finger pull was my favorite manual method for this. This is as simple as it gets.
Insert index finger into foreskin so that it presses into the glans

I wrap my other hand around my foreskin pulling as much as I can forwards with the tip of my finger still touching my glans.
As I pull my foreskin away from by body I am also squeezing my fingers around the foreskin that wraps around my index finger.
I will allow my fingers on the outside to slowly slide as I pull the skin away from my body.

Basically I am stroking the foreskin over my index finger as I move my other fingers up.
I am also pulling the index finger out slowly as I do this.
I will do this 5 second routine about 10 to 20 times
This is the only method I use on occasion now that I am done with restoring.

This is just some random pics to show the skin at different times of the day
The tight long pucker happens when temps are cooler.

Just about to jump in the shower

Now for a peak at the glans

When the glans are flaccid the surface can look almost like wrinkled tissue paper.

Semi erect and the glans swell making the surface tight and wet looking in the sun.

I have to say I am glad I found out about restoring when I was in my early 30’s
To go threw life with a dried up prune at the top of my stalk would have sucked.

I am very happy with the way my frenulum healed. I would have liked to had seen how that would have turned out had I not pierced it only later to remove it.

You can see how lighting affects the skin tones. This picture is in filtered sunlight same day as one above
That little red spot is where my PA piercing used to be. The PA hole never closed completely.

Lighting and stages of erection can change appearance

This in under a bright spot light at getting semi erect.

When the skin is pulled down you can see it wrinkles up behind the glans.

When the skin is pulled down you can see it wrinkles up behind the glans.
This folded and wrinkled area is what covers the glans when the skin is forwards. This is what needs to be grown in order to have the full benefits of a foreskin.