How super hydrating the skin can provide better grip performance with any device.
Years ago I discovered that hydrating the skin can enhance the grip of a restoring device.

Just take a washcloth and run it under some warm water than squeeze it out.

Then simply wrap your shaft skin in the washcloth

leave the washcloth on for one minute.
I discovered the use of hydration when I first started to restore and noticed that I would have better gripping performance when I used my DTR after taking a shower.

When I was activity restoring my skin could become dry. Especially in colder dry months or when you first start to restore.

Dry skin can make any restoring device more prone to skin slippage and this is a simple solution to help cut down this issue greatly.
This technique can be used with any restoring device.
If you still are getting slip issues try the “Dusting gripper” technique