Foreskin restoring 101
Restoring is taking the existing shaft skin and stressing it over time with the use of a device or manual stretching exercises.
Caution! being to aggressive with restoring can lead to injuries such as skin tears and bruising or possible other damaging injuries that may be more serious. The information on this web site is not intended as instructions or medical advice. What you choose to do with this information you do at your own risk.
Section #1 Restoring Basics

So what is restoring ? In a nut shell restoring is taking the existing shaft skin and stressing it over time with the use of a device or manual stretching exercises.
When done consistently the skin starts to grow in order to elevate the stress its under. The longer this is done the more skin is grown until eventually it covers and protects the glans. Seems simple right?

This process is done by using manual stretches or a restoring device that is worn for 6 to 8 hours a day 5 to 7 days a week on average.
You are technically not re-growing your original foreskin but creating a foreskin made from shaft skin.
The end result can look and function just like foreskin.
Manually stretching the skin has been around forever. The biggest drawback with manually stretching the skin is being consistent. Using a device is just more convenient for most people. Although it is possible to restore your skin just by using manual stretching techniques. Most men will have a difficult time finding time throughout the day to manually stretch the skin as often as it would be needed for it to be highly productive and this is why the majority of restoring men prefer to use a device.
My experience on how foreskin restoration works is that the skin has to be stretched past its own natural elasticity. When I am not using enough tension the skins natural elasticity would absorb the stress the skin was placed under. Forcing the skin too much can cause small injuries such as bruising or small skin tears. The trick was to find a balance of getting the maximum amount of stress to the skin without overdoing it.
Consistency, this does not mean restoring 24/7. What consistency means is not taking too many days off in a row unless you are doing a specific routine that calls for this such as a one week on one week off routine. When I was not consistent my skin’s natural elasticity came back and the process of stretching the skin has to start all over again. This process can take a few days to a week for someone very new to restoring to get past this “stretching out of the skin” stage.
I would experience this somewhat on a day-to-day basis with my skin feeling not as loose as the night before. When I’m not restoring the skin’s elasticity comes back to normal in about two weeks. This is not a bad thing in fact it wasn’t for the skin’s natural elasticity coming back I would not have a natural looking end to my restored foreskin.
Just to clear any confusion my restoration is permanent. The skin that I grew did not go away after I stopped restoring. When I stopped restoring my skin’s natural elasticity would come back and would result in the appearance of a 10 to 15% of skin shrinkage as the skin tightened back up.
Section #2 How do I determine how much tension to use.
It took a couple of days for my body to get used to using the device. At first wearing the device was a little awkward but my body quickly adjusted to having something attached to it and it became second nature. For the most part I never feel like I’m wearing anything when I restore.
The only time I feel anything is when I start to get a little discomfort after using the device for a period of time. To relieve this discomfort I would simply remove the device for a few seconds and put it back on. I always stopped if I felt any sharp pain as this usually meant I was doing something wrong.
So while it is correct to say a person should not feel pain or discomfort when restoring. It also must be said that after a certain amount of time while wearing a device a person should start to feel discomfort unless they are using a very low amount of tension.
Using low tension will work for some people but I found myself getting better results when I would use higher tension. The downside of using high tension is feeling the need to remove the device more often throughout the day.
How much tension I was using was figured out by how long I was able to wear the device before feeling the need to remove it. If I was able to use the device for close to two hours without feeling the need to remove it I would consider this to moderate or light.
If I am using a method where I have to remove the device after 45 to 60 minutes for a few seconds break I would consider the tension to be high.

This is what my skin would look like at times when I was using a high amount of stress on the skin.

How many days I had been restoring consecutively also played a role. For example if I was to restore Monday through Friday for eight hours each day. When it’s Friday I may find my skin is a little more sensitive since it has been stressed out all week.
I didn’t know this when I first started to restore because I very rarely took any days off. I started to take two days off a week when I was restoring much later on and found it worked better then restoring 7 days a week.
Removing the device at least once an hour will improve the circulation and reduce the risk of bruising especially when using higher amount of tension.
I tried to get in about 6 to 8 hours worth of restoring per day depending on what methods I was using. Remember the hours you restore do not have to be consecutive you can take as many breaks as you want throughout the day in fact it’s more comfortable and more productive to do so. The biggest problem with this is remembering to put the device back on when taking longer breaks than a few minutes.
My restoring day can be as follows : On a typical restoring day I would start with using a method for 1.5 to 2 hours before feeling the need to take a break. After my minute long break I will re-attach the device and use it for 60-90 minutes before feeling the need for another break. I will re-attach the device and use it for 45- 60 minutes before I need to take a break etc. This will go on until I have about 6-8 hours worth of restoring time. When I take breaks depends on what methods and how much stress I am putting my skin under.
One hour on one hour off is another routine that works. Cyclical routines can work better than a constant routine at times. I say at times because as I grew more skin I found myself hitting plateaus where my progress felt stagnate. It was as if my skin just got used to the routine or method I was using at that time. I would switch or change my routine when I felt my progress slowing down. This was more prevalent later on in my restoration.
The most asked question ever is “How long is this going to take?” This question does not have a black and white answer. You can not go by a chart that’s going to be the same for everyone. There seems to me a small percent of men that despite what the do to restore seem to have a very little progress.
After over 17 years of listening to other restoring men I still can not figure out why this is unless it comes down to physical genetics where these individuals have very resilient skin that can absorb the stress its under without having to grow. This would mean more stress might be needed but more caution would also be needed so not to cause possible injury.
Section #3 Stages of Restoring on average
Stage I : < loosening of the skin > The skin will loosen up quite a bit in the first week. This should not be confused with actual skin growth.
Stage 2 : < Skin growth > After the skin loosens and stretches to its max it has no alternative but to grow in order to compensate for the stress it is under.
Stage 3: < Rollover > When you are sitting down and not using a device or a retainer. The skin starts to roll over the Corona edge and sometimes the skin will even give partial coverage. Normally at this early stage soon as you stand up your skin goes back to normal.
Stage 4: < Partial coverage > The skin will stay partially over the Corona’s edge when in a standing position most times. At this stage the skin can go back and forth ( partial coverage or no coverage ) it can be frustrating.
Stage 5: < Glide action > Enough skin has been gained so moving the skin over the glans with an erection can be achieved. Most men will get to this stage before Flaccid coverage is achieved.
Stage 6: < Flaccid coverage > When enough skin has grown so that the glans are at least 75 % covered when standing. This can vary from 75% to 100% on a daily basis.
Stage 7: < Overhang > Having enough skin grown so that it goes past the ends of the glans and begins to taper to look more tapered. Coverage is 100% when flaccid. Partial coverage when erect is possible. Tightness at the end of the foreskin can change depending on temperature. More overhang equals better taper.
Section #4 Aggressive Vs Passive
I group Restoring methods into two groups aggressive and passive. Aggressive is when I am using a method that allows me to stress the skin to its max if needed. Examples: Tugging, Dual tension, Direct AIR, Weight. Passive methods will not allow me to stress the skin to this extent. Example: O-rings, the keeper, and Tape. These are passive method since I can not stress the skin much when using them.

When I first began restoring as soon as I was able to retain my skin I did so. I used an O-ring to keep the skin over the glands, this also provided a little bit of tension because I would pull as much skin as I could through the O-ring.
This also keeps the skin under constant light tension. The skin is never in a fully relaxed state. This style of retaining is straight to the point. Keeping the glans covered and skin forward.

Years ago the ” stacking method ” of restoring was used. Guys would stack O-rings on top of each other in order to keep tension on the skin. It is a slow way to restore and not a lot of fun to use but for some it did the job. The more skin the more O-rings could be stacked on.
Restoring strictly using this method would take a very long time in my opinion since you cannot produce the amount of stress on the skin as you can with other more aggressive methods.

Feedback from restoring men has always been important to me. I created the retainer years ago because of requests from other restoring men who wanted me to build them something that was a little more aggressive than normal retaining methods.
Section #5 Do I need a notch when using a push plate?

The answer is YES, If you have any frenulum left a notch on the push plate is needed.
Without a notch in a push plate the frenulum area would take on too much stress and hurt when using dual tension
I am often asked the question “What is the most comfortable and productive way to restore?” My response is that restoring should never be an uncomfortable process, but there are going to be some brief discomfort now and then when using any method regardless of whatever device you are using.
This usually happens after wearing a device for a period of time during your restoring day. When I first put a device on my will feel almost nothing at all. There may be a brief learning curve for someone new to restoring only because their body has not been accustomed to having something attached to it but they should not be any pain involved when you are wearing a device correctly.
I will experience some discomfort no matter what method I am using after a set amount of time. This all depends on what method I am using, and how much tension I am using.
The more aggressive the approach the more discomfort I will start to experience over time. An example of this would be using dual tension when I first apply the device I will feel almost nothing even with a high amount of tension.
After the first hour or two I may start to feel some discomfort on either the glans or the skin that is gripped under the gripper. In which case I will remove the device for a quick break and then reattach the device. This is the same with any method I use. There is always a point at which I need to stop using whatever method I am using for a quick break. The less aggressive I am the more time I will have before feeling any discomfort.
The more aggressive I was with a method. The more often I needed to give the skin a quick break. I could choose to be less aggressive with these methods in which case I will be able to use that method for hours on end without feeling any discomfort but the trade-off will be slower progress. There is a balance that needs to be found by anyone restoring. Rotating methods will also keep discomfort to a minimum.
When I was using aggressive methods all the time it would result in over stressing the skin and I would be prone to more skin injuries such as bruising or very small skin tears. These sounds scarier than they are but they do require me having to stop for a couple of days to let them completely heal. This is much like over training when it comes to exercise.
So to recap, for 95% of my restoring day I was not feeling any discomfort whatsoever. When I do started to feel some discomfort that’s when I know I need to remove whatever method I am using for a quick break before I continued.
There is no “BEST” device that works for everyone, anyone trying to sell you on this idea just wants you to buy what they are selling. Restoring is a marathon not a sprint. There is no miracle device or method to accomplish this.
Time will pass regardless of what you decide to do. Look at yourself in the mirror. You are not the same person you were ten years ago. You will not be the same person ten years from now. Whether that person you see in the mirror is circumcised or restored will be up to you.