Dusting grippers for better grip
A quick way to maximize gripping power
You clean your equipment with soap and water but your still getting slippage for some unknown reason.
This can happen from time to time due to skin condition. One day its fine and the next you are getting slippage.
Super hydrating the skin helps but if your still having issues try this trick to get your gripper to stick.

First clean the gripper like normal and dry
Invert the gripper like your going to put it on.

Take a facial tissue like Kleenex or soft toilet paper. The softer the better.
What you want is a tissue that feels soft and linty. I am not sure if linty is even a word.

Corn Starch can also be used instead of tissue dust.

Take the tissue and rub the inside of the grippers surface as if your cleaning it.
Do this all over the inside so that you get all the surface.

When your done it should look like this.
Blow off any chunks of tissue so it just has a dusted look to it.

Now use it like you normally would.
Its impressive how much this Tissue dusting prevented my skin from slipping out after wearing it for a while.

I tested using over 8 lbs worth of force after 45 minutes of tugging using 2 to 3 lbs worth of pull force to see if I could get it to slip off and it wound not budge.
I went as high as 10 lbs and stopped due to fear of injuring my inner skin.
This test was done with a gripper that had been used for over two months. I do not recommend anyone using as much force as this. Doing so could cause injury to your skin. I should know , I injured myself in the past. I normally used around that 2 to 3 lbs worth of pull when using the tug method. .. Remember, I am a professional crazy person. Don’t do what I do.