Dual tension method
Dual tension method ( Bi-directional ) is a method of restoring that stresses the skin in two directions at the same time. This provides both inner and outer stress to the skin with out the use of a tug strap.

When the DTR is in Dual tension mode the device creates its own push/pull tension. So you do not have to use weight or a tug strap to create tension.

When the shaft is rolled past the glans it will now have two surfaces. Inner/outer skin.
Inner skin is the surface on the inside of the foreskin
Outer skin is the surface on the outside of the foreskin… simple right.
Since there are two surfaces of the skin you can control which surface receives more stress by using the two different methods.
Section #1 “Normal method”

I used the normal roll method to focus on inner and outer foreskin. This gives about a 50/50 to 60/40 split with inner being favored normally unless I intentionally push more shaft skin forwards .

Pressing my glans against the push plate.

I roll my shaft skin onto the DTR bell.

Rolling the gripper on my skin

Attaching the elastic one end at a time.
Here I am using two elastics for higher tension.

Fully installed with elastic tension
This install focuses more on outer skin than inner skin
Section #2 “Roll method”

To focus more on outer skin I “roll” more skin forwards before attaching the DTR.

The more skin you have to work with the easier it is to manipulate the skin onto the device.
Section #3 “push method”

Now I am showing how to focus more on inner skin
I find inner skin to be thinner and clings to the glans better.

I found attaching the DTR this way can focus more on inner skin.
This method is also good for guys that have less skin to work with as they my find it easier to put on this way vs the roll method.
It also changes the position of the DTR so that it “hangs” more comfortably if this is an issue.

Instead of trying to roll the skin onto the Bell, I instead press the push Rod and push plate into the glands and pull on the shaft skin as shown.

I keep working the push plate against the glands as I pull the skin up.

I now roll the skin down to the edge of the push plate.

Keeping the skin just on the edge of the push plate while holding the push plate against my glans.

I now bring the Bell down to the push plate, careful not to pinch the skin in between the Bell and push plate.

I now roll the skin forward onto the bell.

Rolling the gripper onto the skin just as I normally would.

If I want to place more tension on one side of the shaft skin than the other I can do so by installing the DTR slightly to the left or right instead of straight on.
So for example if I wanted less skin growth on the right side I would place the DTR slightly to the right side of the glans. Then when tension is applied it would pull more on the left side.
Please remember I am not a trained professional Penis stretcher. I only can tell you what I have tried and what other have told me over the years. This is not an exact science.
Section #3 Tension hold screw

I put on the DTR just as I would when using elastic tension but without the elastics.

I adjust tension by pushing the push rod down and tightening the stainless steel tension hold screw. The stainless steel screw will press against the push rod keeping it from moving. Very little tightening is required.

This method allows me to control very precise the amount of tension I want to use. It is a very good way to use high tension settings. The more I push down on the push rod the more the skin is tightened creating more tension.
A simple tightening of the hold screw and it is secured.

This was how I used Dual tension originally. I did not start using elastics until much later. I find both methods work equally well at developing skin.

Many ask if the DTR is bulky and can it be seen under clothing.
As you can see in this photo you cant really tell I have it on even with boxer briefs. I have worn it with all types of clothing with no problems.

I never used dual tension while sleeping due to night time erections. I felt doing so could possibly damage the skin tissue from lack of circulation since I would not be removing it as often to take a quick break.
To prevent any discomfort while restoring I would remove and re-attache the device every 20 to 90 min for a quick break depending on how much tension I was using.
Using Dual tension was my go to method of choice for most of my restoring. I was able to stress the skin as much as I wanted with this method and not having the need to use a strap was a huge plus.
The down side is pressure on the glans over time. When I was close to the end of my restoration project I found I could not use Dual tension like I did when I started. My glans were just too sensitive for me to use it as aggressively as I did in the past. I can’t complain since gaining sensitivity was a main part of me restoring in the first place. This is why I used the tug method as the last method I used to finish.