DTR Device
The original DTR… One device for all methods

The DTR (Dual Tension Restorer) is a bi-directional device made for multiple methods.

Dual Tension, Tugging, Weight and Direct Air
Dual tension and Tugging were my core methods with Weight and Direct Air as secondary methods to break up my routines as I became more advanced with restoring. I feel a mix of methods and devices is the best way when your having slow progress.
Anatomy of the DTR

DTR Bell
Push Plate
Tension hold screw
Elastic hold screw
Push rod

Dual tension mode: Works by using the DTR bell, push plate and push rod to create a push/pull tension on the skin. As the push plate pushes into the glans the bell pulls the skin away from the glans. This creates tension on both inner and outer skin surfaces at the same time.

Tug mode: Works by just using the DTR bell with an elastic tugging strap strap to create tension by pulling the skin away from the glans.

When tension is applied the skin tries to slide off the bell. As this happens the gripper gets tighter as it clings to the skins surface.

Much like a “Chinese finger trap” the more you pull the tighter the grip.
The gripper holds the skin to the surface of the bell. It is made in the USA from medical grade silicone and is used for the DTR, Retainer and Tug Bell.

The surface of the DTR has micro lines from the tooling process.
The wide collar keeps the gripper from lifting off, even without tension.
The bell design was able to grip better then any other shape I tried while designing the device.

The size of the DTR bell is approximately 34.30 mm + – .15 wide at the base. This size has proven to be a “one size fits most” with exceptions for those with very large or small glans when flaccid.
From the data I have gathered since 2005 I have found that the average DTR users glans measure between 30 mm to 40 mm when flaccid. I am aware that there are men under and over this range that still use my devices.
If you have concerns about sizing please contact me before you place an order.
( My glans are approx 37 mm wide when flaccid )

Push plates come in two styles
Standard for those without a frenulum and Notched for those with a frenulum.
Push plate pads can be used to add a layer of comfort to any existing standard or notched push plate without sacrificing durability.

The conform plate is another option for advanced DTR users… not a necessity but it can change the feel of the device by distributing the pressure differently on the glans.

The conform plate is not meant to fully engulf the glans.

As you can see a conform plate greatly increase the length of the device. So more skin is needed to use this style push plate.

Push rods attach to a push plate by screwing on like a nut and bolt.

There are 2 holes at the top so elastic bands can be used to create tension.
Check out the Testimonials page or on any restoring forum online to read what other restorers think about the DTR and my service.
The DTR bell pack is a bare bones option for anyone looking to start out with the tug method.
More parts can be added later to explore other restoring methods down the road.
When you see phrases like “the fastest“, ” best” or “most comfortable way to restore” remember there is NO device that can honestly make this claim. There are too many variables from one person to the next and through my experience you need more than one method to restore with especially when you start dealing with progress plateaus. Anyone restoring long enough knows this.
There are many devices on the market today with most being repackaged concepts that have been used by myself and many others for years. I think its great that there are more options available for guys today then there was when I started. Having multiple devices/methods/routines just gives you more tools to get your restoration project done.
Research before you buy anything from anyone. A few questions you might want to ask yourself.
1) Is this person even restored ?
2) Does this person show any personal results from the product they’re trying to sell you ?
3) Does this person have a cool mustache ? *
* That last question is optional since Ive only had mine since 2019
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