2018 foreskin restore update

The 2018 update is a video showing the condition of my skin after being restored for many years

restored foreskin video

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For years now I have been restoring on and off testing different techniques to focus on certain areas of the foreskin.

Bellow is an example of this where I am just focusing on outer skin development to create a better end to the foreskin.

foreskin restore 2018 update 1

By using the method here I can stickily focus on outer skin development without any stress to the inner skin or glans.

I will leave the foreskin over my glans before installing the DTR bell.

This is much different then rolling back the skin to expose my glans and pressing the bell into the glans and rolling the skin up onto the bell. I am tugging on the skin further down my shaft with this method.

foreskin restore update 2018 a

I am using a DTR bell with one hole gripper to tug with.

The skin inside the bell will not be pulled on at all. Only the skin bellow the DTR will be stressed.

outer skin tugging DTR

After I pushed my shaft skin up I rolled the gripper down as usual.

As you can see now the DTR bell is about 1/3 down my shaft. This is the area of skin that is being held in place by the gripper.

By doing this I am not pulling on any inner skin. This is stickily for outer skin development

Gripper down and ready to roll. As you can see now the DTR bell is about 1/3 down my shaft. This is the area of skin that is being held in place by the gripper.

strap with DTR bell
Flexing my skinny legs..

One thing that I do find interesting is that when I started to restore I used the Tugging method. Now I am finishing my restoration with that same method.